
Take-offs and landings

Captain's log, stardate d296.y35/AB

MarsBased Startups Company Culture News Entrepreneurship
Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit
Founder & CEO
Take-offs and landings

Today is the day. This blog celebrates its first post and after it the whole MarsBased machinery is taking off.

The MarsBased crew have been eagerly anticipating this moment for some months now and we are raring to go.

Commencing countdown (five), engines on (four). (three) (two) Check ignition (one) and may God's (blastoff) love be with you.

With David Bowie - Space Oddity in our minds, we packed a few personal belongings and lots of illusion, took our luggage and set off onto a new start.

And here we are: inside our spaceship, heading towards our new destination. Life's too good up here. It is, indeed, a promising start for our trip to a brighter future.

We will keep you updated, but if you want to get to know us a little better, you might want to follow us through our social profiles:

Edited on 05/08/2023: Our Google+ profile isn't active as Google killed Google+ on April 02, 2019.

Now it's time for us to choose our travel companions, so you are all welcome on board. Join the MarsBased crew on this adventure!

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