
How to implement Cuprite into Capybara

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Ruby on Rails Testing Capybara Cuprite Docker
Juan Artero
Full-stack developer
How to implement Cuprite into Capybara

We've all been playing with testing libraries and frameworks for many years, but before doing that, we have to configure them. In this blog post, I'll walk you through my setup of Cuprite with Capybara.

Last week, I changed one of our project's Capybara's JavaScript driver from Selenium Webdriver to Cuprite this article by Evil Martian's. I built a simpler implementation and I thought that it could be interesting to share the key points of this implementation here.

For those who do not know it, Cuprite is a Capybara driver using Chrome to execute the tests through Chrome's CPC Protocol. We can use Cuprite instead of Selenium to test integrations requiring JavaScript to work. The most important feature of Cuprite is that we can connect remotely to the browser to execute the tests and debug the JS and the CSS there.

I will go into more detail later on but these are the key points of my implementation:

Capybara testing on a browser

Alright, let's get started!

Cuprite installation and configuration

Install the cuprite gem:

group :test do
  gem 'cuprite'

And configure it in spec/rails_spec.rb:

require "capybara/cuprite"

Capybara.register_driver(:cuprite) do |app|
    window_size: [1200, 800],
    browser_options: { 'no-sandbox': nil },
    inspector: true,
    url: ENV['CHROME_URL']

# Configure Capybara to use :cuprite driver by default
Capybara.javascript_driver = :cuprite

After these steps, we have to configure Docker's configuration.

Docker Configuration

Add the "chrome" container in the docker-compose:

  # ...

    image: browserless/chrome:1.31-chrome-stable
      - 3333:3333
    # Mount application source code to support file uploading
    # (otherwise Chrome won't be able to find files).
    # NOTE: Make sure you use absolute paths in `#attach_file`.
      - .:/app:cached # change it for your rails' container directory
      # By default, it uses 3000, which is typically used by Rails.
      PORT: 3333
      # Set connection timeout to avoid timeout exception during debugging

I added a test container to load the chrome container as a dependency:

  # ...
    # ...
      <<: *env
      CHROME_URL: http://chrome:3333
      - postgres
      - redis
      - chrome

Next up, I added a command to create a method named 'debug' that helps to stop the test and open the browser (The Cuprite command to do this doesn't work in this implementation) 🤷🏻‍♂️

module CupriteHelpers
  def debug(binding = nil)
    $stdout.puts '-------------------------------------------------'
    $stdout.puts "🔎 Open Chrome inspector at http://localhost:3333"
    $stdout.puts '-------------------------------------------------'
    $stdout.puts ''
    return binding.pry if binding


... and some changes in the spec helper, to fix the routes and allow Cuprite to work with WebMock:

# spec/spec_help.rb



config.before(:each, type: :system) do
  driven_by :rack_test

  Capybara.app_host = "http://#{LOCAL_IP}:#{LOCAL_PORT}"
  Capybara.server_host = LOCAL_IP
  Capybara.server_port = LOCAL_PORT
  Capybara.always_include_port = true

# To no block the chrome calls if we are using WebMock
  allow_localhost: true,
  allow: [LOCAL_IP, 'chrome']

And now, let's try it!

How to debug in the browser

To debug a system test in the browser, we need to follow the next steps:

Other useful commands when testing

Some useful commands that you can use in your JS testing system, in this part of the guide!

Cuprite uses the Ferrum Gem to work. You can access the Ferrum browser and execute Ferrum's command:

browser = page.driver.browser
browser.mouse.move(x: 123, y: 456).down.up

Scroll the screen:

page.driver.scroll_to(left, top)

Wait until Ajax calls ends:


Refresh the browser:


Add basic authorization:

page.driver.basic_authorize(user, password)

Work with cookies:

page.driver.cookies # => {....}
page.driver.set_cookie(name, value, options = {})


I think this is a big improvement in the debugging process because it fixes a very important part of the problem, when you are debugging integration tests.

Sometimes we have problems in the test itself because debugging the HTML, or even with screenshots, is always hard to find the problem. For instance, a form field that is not filled properly, a link that is hidden or covered by another element, etc. In these cases, you can for example add the JS tag in the regular system test (js: true) and debug them in the browser to find what's wrong with it.

Another interesting take for Cuprite in my project, in particular, is that I can use Rack Session Access with Cuprite without problem, which would not be possible with Selenium.


Last, but not least, I wanted to thank my colleague Màxim for helping me out with this! Moltes gràcies, Màxim!

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