154 articles by Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit


What is the best Ruby on Rails CMS?

We have compared the most popular CMS built with Ruby on Rails according to user experience, flexibility to develop on top of them and other Martian criteria.

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Five reasons why our clients love Ruby on Rails for their apps

Contrary to popular belief, developing your project using Ruby on Rails won't make it more difficult to maintain. It's a competitive advantage, nowadays.

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Dirt bikes

Four things we do to reduce the time to market of your app

There are many ways to reduce the time to market of your project. Here's what we do at MarsBased.

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Mobile phone

How to create a fast, secure, and SEO-oriented landing page for free

Learn how to create landing pages that are secure, fast and SEO-oriented for free with Jekyll & Middleman

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We don't need a CEO (lessons learnt in two years running a development consultancy)

Read about what we have learnt in our second year operating as a development consultancy.

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If you're not writing, you're losing sales: here's the why and how of blogging for business

If you're running a company and you're not blogging, you're doing it wrong.

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Guiding light

The MarsBased SEO guidelines

We work a lot with web applications, and we need to apply SEO everywhere. Here's what we do.

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Rocket launch

A new website and four things you should know about MarsBased

We launched a new website to communicate our internal changes. Learn more about MarsBased!

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Expanding the MarsBased team (again)

As the company grows older, the team grows in size. Here's a recap of what we've been through while expanding the Martian fleet!

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Football match at night

Our new year's resolutions for 2016

For the second year in a row, our team shares their new year's resolutions!

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Looking back to 2015: a year from out of this world

After surviving our second year, we blogged about what we've been through! Enjoy it!

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How to handle client work remotely: our communication Stack

We use this communication stack to manage client work remotely.

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