32 artículos etiquetados con 'Management'

Balance between creativity and business

Balancing creativity and business in Spain

What if the secret to thriving in the design market lies in balancing American ambition with Spanish work-life harmony? Join us as we sit down with Brian Farrell from Farco, whose remarkable journey—from spearheading digital transformation at BBVA to founding his own studio in Spain—provides a unique lens into the shifting landscape of design.

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Space fight against the evil empire

Bootstrapped businesses, async & remote with Amir Salihefendic (CEO @ Doist)

Discover how Amir Salihefendic bootstrapped his way to success with his company Doist, challenging the norm in the tech world! Tune into our latest podcast episode where we explore sustainable business models and effective asynchronous communication.

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Surf in space

We're riding (yet) another winter

There's a harsh market out there. If you're reading the news, you will know that there's recession, inflation and other money games that will make rich people richer and poor people poorer, as always.

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Red traffic light

Personalism vs. professionalism

There's a thin line between being professional and having no limits to what you do for work and how you do it. Overpleasing people constantly might actually be detrimental to your business and your reputation.

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We've updated our handbook to include our new development workflow

As you might probably know, we have a long document called the MarsBased Handbook where we try to describe all our procedures and how we work.

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The importance of saying NO

We have overcome one of the most intense periods at work in the entire life of the company, largely thanks to our ability to say 'no' more than we say 'yes', defying the standards and the etiquette of our industry.

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Open door

Be more available to the rest of the team

At MarsBased, we like to review our workflows, tools and policies every now and then because what it used to be good for us, might not be the right fit now. For instance, last year, we changed our project management tool from JIRA to Linear.

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Not taking decisions is frustrating

Not taking decisions is frustrating

As much as you can read about business and about how to manage your own company, you will never be prepared to face this hard reality: slowly and gradually, decisions take more and more of your daily time and mental bandwidth.

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Fist bump

Beating the virus: lessons from our seventh year running MarsBased

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone differently and we are no exception. We want to share our ups and downs from 2020 in our annual post about lessons learnt, including management, finance and mental health, among other topics.

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Experiments in a lab

Experiments in summer

The best time to improve things in your company is today. Besides today, the best time is summer, when there's less work to do and part of the team is away on holidays. Here's how we improve things at MarsBased during the low season of summer.

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The Martian way

The Martian way

We have been around for well over six years. As we learn day by day, we feel the impulse to give back to our followers and community not only to explain how we do things, but also why we do them.

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Startup Grind Tech Conference in Barcelona

Six years grinding: How to manage your events and community

We have been hosting at least one event per month since we started the company in early 2014. After over 70 consecutive months of hosting events, we have compiled how we do it so others can profit from our experience.

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