
Thinking big: discover our corporate side 🚀

As the company grows, so do our ambitions and projects. Bigger consultancies, corporates and city-wide initiatives trust our expertise in technology and entrepreneurship, and our worldwide network. Read on!

Meet our new clients 🤝

Going full corporate with Everis!

Last quarter brought new clients into our company. We're pleased to announce our collaboration with the international consulting Everis. Our expertise in Angular and web development will boost their innovation projects.

Let's work together!

Martian News 📰

We've joined the Board of Catalonia Logistics

We're about to complete the first year as the main technological provider in the Catalonia Logistics business cluster. Last month, we were elected to join their Board and to lead the technological change of the cluster.

Read This Article!
We're on the Advisory Board of MWC's Barcelona Digital Talent

Barcelona Digital Talent promotes different initiatives to attract talent to our city with the aim to boost competitiveness and the growth of the digital ecosystem in Barcelona. We've joined their Advisory Board along with BCN Tech City, CTecno, Mobile World Capital and many other leaders of thought.

Martian Chronicles 👽

Read a few of our best blogs oriented to corporate businesses!
The Importance of Service Providers in Corporate Venturing

Bringing back one of the most popular blog posts we've written recently, aimed at big corporations who do Corporate Venturing. Here's why you should partner with service providers like us to help you with your Corporate Venturing programs!

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How Do You Know If Your Remote Employees Are Working?

All-remote companies rely heavily on trust and communication and require therefore hiring only the right fits and the right fits only. All of our employees are always working and giving the best of themselves. Otherwise, they would not be part of the company.

Read the article
We're Not a Startup: We're a Lifestyle Business (and We Love It)

When the three founders created the company, we were adamant on creating a consultancy with radically different values from the companies we worked for in the past. Want to know why and how?

Read the article

On the Radar 🛰

Come to our next Startup Grind BCN event!

Paul led the first copy team at Typeform and helped shape its voice and tone. He also wrote the world's first article featuring a chatbot, and helped develop Typeform’s new brand story. He'll be the first guest speaker doing a keynote-driven event in our monthly edition! We're so excited!

Buy tickets with 40% discount!
Want to speak Martian? 👽
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