
Looking for investment?

Let us help you with the fundraising

Our broad network includes many business angels, VCs and other investment vehicles who are always looking for new talent. If you're fundraising for your startup, send us your deck to [email protected]!

Inspiring fireside chats

Elisenda Bou (CEO & Co-founder @ Vilynx) at Startup Grind

In October, we hosted Elisenda, CTO & Co-founder of this powerful AI brain for video processing & tagging called Vilynx. The startup was founded in Silicon Valley and she is now leading the technical team in their Barcelona offices. Do you want to know more about the journey of this startup?

Watch the Video
Àlex Rodríguez (CEO & Founder @ MarsBased) at IndieHackers

Our CEO Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit was invited to share his experience at IndieHackers Barcelona in October. He talked about digital nomading, entrepreneurship and bootstrapping MarsBased to a fully remote company. Are you curious?

Watch the Video

Meet our clients 🤝

We've been working since 2015 for DPL ETT, one of the hottest talent consultancies from Barcelona. We developed one platform that turned their business around and helped them to grow a 258% in only four years!

Learn more!

Our events and others 📅

TONIGHT, December 3rd: Bernat Farrero (CEO & Founder @ Itnig) at Startup Grind Barcelona

Tonight, we are hosting Bernat Farrero (CEO & Founder @ Itnig) at our last Startup Grind BCN event of 2019. Bernat has extensive entrepreneurial experience, creating of a dozen businesses such as Itnig, Camaloon, Quipu and Factorial RH. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from his journey!

Get your discounted ticket!
Sharing our experience

Our CEO and Founder, Àlex, will be giving a couple of talks this month. He will share his journey of building a community around MarsBased and Startup Grind BCN at Criteo Tech Talks on December 12th, and then his experience as an entrepreneur at EU Business School on December 13th.

Want to speak Martian? 👽
Let's talk!