
Need advice with Node.js?
Let us help you!

We started 2019 announcing our adoption of Node.js as a de facto development environment for our backend projects, in addition to Rails. We are now dedicating this edition of the MarsBased newsletter to share with you our experience with Node.js. Hope you enjoy it!

MarsBased 🖤Node.js

From the blog 👽

MarsBased Loves Node.js

More and more technological companies are adopting Node.js to be able to keep a techstack based on a single language (JavaScript), using a combination of Node.js in the back, and React or Angular in the frontend.

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How to Build a Node.js API (Part One)

In this blog post, our developer Daniel Gómez shares how he built a Node.js API for one of our biggest clients. He describes some patterns and JavaScript conventions he's used. He gives easy-to-export ideas that can be useful for your project!

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How to Build a Node.js API (Part Two)

In this second part, our developer Daniel Gómez gives a quick introduction to express.js in order to understand how we built one of our biggest projects ever for a big corporate client. This is a pure technical JavaScript post, so be warned ⚠️

Read This Post!

New features on our website 🚀

New Playbook chapter - Project Types 

Throughout the years, we have been able to help our clients, from solopreneurs to big multinationals, with very different kinds of projects. Read the new chapter of our Playbook to learn more about our most typical project types!

Playbook - Project Types!
New Positions available, including some for Freelancers!

We've lined up projects for the next six months and further, which means, we are looking for more talent to join us! In addition to full-time team members, we are looking for freelancers. Are you interested in collaborating with us?

Check - Open Freelance Positions

Our events 📅

October 30th: Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit (CEO @ MarsBased) at Indie Hackers

Our CEO and Founder Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit will be the next guest speaker at Indie Hackers to talk about digital nomading, entrepreneurship and bootstrapping MarsBased to a fully remote company.

Get your tickets!
November 14th: Juan Zamora (CEO & Founder @ Signaturit) at Startup Grind Barcelona

In our next event, we are hosting Juan Zamora (CEO & Founder @ Signaturit). Since it was founded in 2013 in Barcelona, Signaturit facilitates the completion of any signing processes by providing a solution for legally binding electronic signatures. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from his journey!

Get your discounted ticket!

New partnerships! 🤝

Announcing Our Partnership with Startup Genome

Earlier in the year, we released the new Startup Genome platform we designed and developed. One of our best and most relevant projects so far. Now, we've partnered with Startup Genome to become their Ambassadors in Barcelona.

Learn More!
MarsBased to partner with one of the leading startup accelerators

MarsBased and Techstars are strengthening our partnership. We've been curating Startup Digest for over three years now, but we feel it's time to take this to a new level. The partnership will see us co-hosting more events with Techstars in our lovely city, aimed to CIOs and C-levels of big corporations, and more joint actions. More details to be announced soon!

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