
Now, what's next? 🔭

We’re back from our summer break, full of energy and cool stuff to share with you. We're kicking off the new season of our podcast, we're going back to offline events. We’re more eager than ever to share our learnings and opinions on diverse topics, as it’s the case for remote work and wellbeing in this issue. Before moving ahead, we'd like to first let you know about what's going on at MarsBased regarding projects, team, strategy, and more! 
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Life on Mars Podcast 🎙 

What you can expect
The new season of the Life on Mars podcast will bring many changes. A big shake-up will take our podcast to the next level. Do you want to be part of this ride? Watch our CEO Àlex talking about all the changes that come with this season:
and/or 👇🏻
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Hiring and managing developers (MarsBased & Schibsted)
Released TODAY!
If you missed the summer episodes...
Over the last months, we interviewed Didier Lafforgue (Locomotive CMS), Eleanor Manley (Metta Space), Dorion Carroll (Zynga), Carlos Cruz (Iyi Events), Marc Torres (Finteca) and Òscar Garcia-Pañella (Cookiebox) among others to talk about building tech projects from cero, preventing sexual harassment at work, choosing technologies and technical co-founders, comunity, events, sponsorships, gamification, and whatnot. Check them out 👇🏻

Remote work 👩🏻‍💻

Remote is the new cloud
One of the good things the pandemic has brought us is the normalisation of remote work. In this blog post, our CEO Àlex shares his opinion of the new tsunami wave this will bring and its rippling effect that will have on society as a whole.
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... also keep in mind... ⚠️ 
A few hard truths about remote work
As we've said, in the past 18 months, a lot of companies have had to adopt remote work - or so they claim! There are a lot of misconceptions and bad practices out there and we must speak up against them.
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Wellbeing at work ⚖️

Work shutdown ritual
Having a routine to end our workday helps us to leave work at work, stop worrying about all of the things left to do, and set us up to start getting things done right away in the morning. This article suggests very interesting tips!
Read more here (article by Doist).
Not-to-do list: a conscious way to break bad habits
What we don’t do matters as much as what we do. Each day, we waste resources because of useless tasks, inefficient processes, and bad habits. A not-to-do list is a way to identify these black holes so we can make a conscious effort to avoid them. Read more here (article by NessLabs).

Our clients 🤝

Signed contract with another LaLiga team
We're extremely happy about a new contract we signed with our second top LaLiga team over the summer. It can't be disclosed because of NDA, so we'll have to leave it like that ⚽️
Creating a social network for nature lovers
We're creating a new social network for lovers of nature, branching off the well-known project iNaturalist (a joint initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society) - it's built in Ruby on Rails and will be released very soon! Stay tuned!
How Can We Help You?

Our events 📅

Back to offline events
For well over 18 months now, at Startup Grind Barcelona we've been doing online-only events to respect the safety measures imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure that we didn't bring further complications where it could be avoided. We have decided to go back to hosting offline events for small crowds following the strictest safety measures.
Read The Official Statement
Sep 29th (6.30pm): Rebeca Pérez (CEO & Founder @ Inviertis)
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