
Surfing economic downturns

Amid the recent news of massive layoffs in the sector, our CEO Àlex addressed the team in an internal basecamp post to let us know that the company is very stable and that we're signing very long contracts with clients, and even expanding our team. Listen directly from Àlex what is MarsBased doing to ensure stability, because it could be applicable also to other agencies and contractors/freelancers.
Listen To Àlex

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Tech stuff 💡

Remember to vaccum your databases!
There's a way to declutter PostgreSQL databases that will impact the performance of your projects. Learn about database grooming in this blog post by our CTO Xavier Redó.
Read This Post
The Rails Foundation kicks off with one million dollars
The Rails Foundation, with the mission to improve the documentation, education, marketing, and events in the ecosystem to the benefit of all new and existing Rails developers was launched a couple of weeks ago. It’s been started by some of the most important companies involved with Rails, and will work to ensure a prosperous ecosystem that continues to improve. Read the official announcement.

Sharing our views 📢

Angel investing and impostor syndrome
Our CEO and Founder, Àlex, was invited to write an issue of Suma Positiva, one of the largest business newsletters in Spain. He wrote about his experience as an investor of startups, including the things he'd have liked to know when he started in the field. Read the issue A invertir se aprende invirtiendo (in Spanish).

Expanding our team 👩🏻‍🚀

Welcoming new Martians
We've just onboarded Cristina and Jose Antonio, our latest Martians joining the crew. They're both Javascript Developers and they'll be helping us with the HP project. Carlos and David will be their buddies, supporting them during the first months of their journey in the company. Welcome both to the Martian family! Wondering what the first day at MarsBased looks like? Read here 👇🏻
First Day > Handbook

Our clients 🤝

infoPraca's new job portal released
The new portal of Grupo Intercom's Infopraca, one of the leading portals for job hunting in Poland was released a few weeks ago. We rebuilt a platform that had been stagnating for a while, and we've done it using Ruby on Rails.
A new project granted by the EC
The EU Commission has approved the joint proposal we submitted together with the Sea Institute of Catalonia and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The project consists of expanding Minka, a platform we already helped building back in 2021. Minka is a fork of another open-source website called iNaturalist, which allows users to catalog and submit photos of different species. 
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Our events 📅 

Dec 13th: Help Ukraine End of Year Party
 📍 Venue: Talent Garden BCN
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