
Who's behind the tech and startup scenes in Barcelona?

If you're in the tech or the startup ecosystems of Barcelona, chances are that you've already met us. MarsBased contributes massively to both scenes, and directly or indirectly, help most ongoing initiatives. Read about our contributions to the communities of Barcelona.

Find out!

Martian Ideas 👽

Three Years Curating Startup BCN, Barcelona's Biggest Online Community for Startups, Entrepreneurs and Freelancers

Time flies. It seems only yesterday when we launched a test to see if startups and entrepreneurs from and in Barcelona would connect over an online community. Now, we've got over 1500 members.

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Learn About the Story of MarsBased in These Events!

This year, we've turned five. As our company grows, it's not a surprise that we get invited to speak at events. Meet us in these events in the coming weeks!

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Meet our new clients 🤝

Signed the third US-based client in two months!

After Ford's Spin and Pivot Analysis, now it's turn to introduce our new client from San Francisco. ValuationMetrics hired us to speed up and help them scale their web platform that provides matching between startups & investors.

Let's work together!

On the Radar 🛰

Come to our next Startup Grind BCN event!

Proud to organise and sponsor every month Startup Grind Barcelona. This month, we're bringing you the storyteller Paul Campillo. The man behind Typeform's tone and voice, will talk about the power of strong storytelling to be successful in startups nowadays.

Buy tickets with 40% discount!

Video killed the radio star 📼

We've got all the videos from the Startup Grind Tech Conference 2019! Watch the talks from leading brands like Red Points, Typeform, HP, Mailtrack, eBay, Criteo, Marfeel and many more.

You can check out the videos for this year's edition below 👇

Watch the videos!
Want to speak Martian? 👽
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