
Why we chose to use Strapi with Remix for our projects

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CMS Frontend Development Javascript Strapi Remix
Javier Artero
Designer & Frontend Developer
Why we chose to use Strapi with Remix for our projects

Why We Chose to Use Strapi with Remix at MarsBased

At MarsBased, we continually evaluate the best technologies to ensure our projects are efficient, scalable, and provide a great experience for both developers and end-users.

For a long time, we have been looking for a CMS that allows us to manage content simply across all our client projects. Previously, we have tried solutions like Locomotive, Maglev and even Wordpress, among others, but we have finally integrated Strapi with Remix in our projects.

In this post, we want to share the reasons behind this decision, highlighting the technical aspects and key advantages of this combination.

Strapi: The power of Headless CMS

Strapi is an open-source headless CMS that offers great flexibility and customization capabilities. It allows us to build, manage, and distribute content efficiently, perfectly adapting to our specific needs and those of our clients.

Key advantages of Strapi

  1. Flexibility and customization
    Strapi allows the creation of completely personalized data models, giving us total freedom to define how we structure and manage content. It has a plugin-based architecture that makes it easy to extend its predefined functionalities to suit specific project requirements.

  2. Easy integration with any frontend
    Being headless, Strapi provides a RESTful or GraphQL API that can be consumed by any frontend technology, from web applications to mobile devices, facilitating the front-end connection and ensuring that we can choose the best development tools.

  3. Efficient content management
    Its user-friendly interface facilitates content management for editors, without needing to involve developers for daily tasks. It supports customized roles and permissions, ensuring that only authorized users can modify critical content.

  4. Community and ecosystem
    Strapi has an active and growing community, as well as a rich collection of plugins and extensions that allow us to expand its capabilities without reinventing the wheel. Comprehensive documentation and a vibrant ecosystem facilitate problem-solving and the implementation of new features.

Remix: Powering dynamic and fast web applications

Remix is a full-stack framework based on React that focuses on providing an impeccable development experience and efficient delivery of web applications. Remix stands out for its ability to create dynamic pages that feel statically served from the server, thus optimizing performance and significantly improving the end-user experience. This approach not only allows for quick and efficient content loading but also simplifies data and state management in development, providing a solid foundation for modern and scalable applications.

Key advantages of Remix

  1. Exceptional performance
    Remix optimizes data handling and rendering through tight server integration, ensuring quick load times and a smooth user experience. It manages state and transitions efficiently, reducing perceived latency for users.

  2. Agile and productive development
    It provides a structure and tools that simplify the creation and management of routes, facilitating the development of complex applications. Its conventions and API are designed to be easy to learn and use, even for developers who are not familiar with them.

  3. Code sharing between client and server side
    Remix allows transparent code sharing at the client and server level, reducing code duplication and facilitating maintenance.

  4. Focus on SEO and accessibility
    Including server-side rendering (SSR) and static page generation (SSG), Remix significantly improves SEO and accessibility of web applications. It offers better search engine indexing and provides an enhanced experience for users with slow connections or low-performance devices.

Synergy between Strapi and Remix

The combination of Strapi and Remix provides us with a powerful and flexible solution for the development of modern applications. Some of the advantages of using these technologies together include:

  1. Fast and effective development
    It allows us to work quickly and efficiently, facilitating a clear separation between content and its presentation.

  2. Optimized content management and distribution
    Strapi handles user content management, while Remix focuses on optimized delivery and user experience.

  3. Scalability and maintainability
    Strapi ensures a scalable back-end interface that is easy to maintain, allowing updates and modifications without interrupting the front-end workflow. Remix effectively propagates our structures on the user interface, facilitating expansion and code maintenance.

  4. Superior user experience
    The agility of Strapi to ensure methodical performance offered by Remix, combined with the flexibility in data terms and our projects, ensures that they are not only functional but also excellent in terms of usability and performance.

This combination allows us to create applications that quickly respond to user interactions and adapt to diverse needs without compromising quality or performance.


At MarsBased, we are convinced that the combination of Strapi and Remix represents one of the best options for the development of modern web applications. These tools allow us to offer robust, scalable, and high-performance solutions, ensuring at the same time an agile and productive development experience.

We will continue sharing more details and experiences on how these technologies are transforming our way of working and the benefits they bring to our clients.

Stay tuned!

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