5 articles by Javier Artero

TailwindCSS and other web frontend libraries

Comparison of React libraries with Tailwind CSS: Prime React, Next UI and Flowbite

At MarsBased, we always stay at the forefront of web development technologies. This post shares a comparison of three popular libraries for working with React and Tailwind CSS: Prime React, Next UI, and Flowbite.

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TailwindCSS frontend developer gliding the skies

Why we've added TailwindCSS to our tech stack

For a long time at MarsBased we have ruled out using TailwindCSS for our front-end projects. The lack of a proprietary component library, along with the absence of a layout system, led us to the conclusion that TailwindCSS was not the best option for us. In this post, we describe how, when and why have re-evaluated this decision.

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Content creator and MarsBased

Why we chose to use Strapi with Remix for our projects

For a long time, we have been looking for a CMS that allows us to simply manage our clients' content. Previously, we have tried solutions such as Locomotive, Maglev, among others, but we have finally decided to integrate Strapi with Remix in our development projects. In this post, we want to share the reasons behind this decision, highlighting the technical aspects and key advantages of this combination.

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With all your love

How to create icons correctly aligned with the text

There's a pretty annoying problem with icons when working alongside text. It's called alignment. So, in this blog post, we will show you how we solve this all too common problem.

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Comparing the three Angular view encapsulation methods

Comparing the three Angular view encapsulation methods

Since we started the company, we have been using Angular for most of our frontend development projects. In this blog post, we share how we encapsulate the views in Angular projects.

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