40 articles tagged with 'Company Culture'

Man working in a coffee shop

How to maintain company culture with remote teams

As remote teams become more and more prevalent how can you build community among your distributed workforce?

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Robot staring at the camera - possibly your next CTO

Why does your startup not need a CTO (just yet)

Going for a CTO way too early in the life of your startup may be detrimental to your success. Learn why.

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Rocket launch

Our new year's resolutions for 2017

For the third year in a row, our team of Martians shares their new year's resolutions!

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Five reasons why you should attend next year's EuRuKo

We're huge fans of the EuRuKo, and we think you should be one, too.

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We don't need a CEO (lessons learnt in two years running a development consultancy)

Read about what we have learnt in our second year operating as a development consultancy.

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Football match at night

Our new year's resolutions for 2016

For the second year in a row, our team shares their new year's resolutions!

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Working remotely from Berlin

Two of us spent a good ten days in Berlin, the capital of Germany, and this has been our experience.

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Videocall on Zoom

Our six tips for working remotely

At MarsBased, we have a strongly defined company culture. We believe that in order to compete with bigger companies, smaller ventures have to define a strong company culture that attracts like-minded people.

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Man with a book on his head

Lessons learnt: one year running our own business

Time flies. We have been so busy this year, that we have barely had time to look back to all the things we have accomplished thus far. Actually, it’s been a year and a month since we legally founded MarsBased. Here’s what we have learnt in this first year of operating full-time as service providers.

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Astronaut figurines

An internship out of this world

Our first intern, Emilio, wrote this magnific piece about his experience at MarsBased.

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Our first christmas dinner

Read about our first Christmas dinner (on Earth).

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Dealing with your first hire in a distributed team

Hiring is not easy, and even less so for a remote-working company. Here's how we did it.

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